Success is the result of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. We have been in the market for 20 years now, we passed thru ebbs and flows but never gave up. We made sure that every single time, we work to the best of our ability to offer quality products and services to our clients. We also believed in innovation, because at Intellect, innovation is what we do every day! Innovating is crucial to the continuing success of any organization. We make sure to share this belief and culture with our business partners, through every product we develop and provide. The reason why, Intellect’s Document Control Software (DSC) succeeded to stand out among competitors. Not to mention, its many key features like: Archiving and retention, compliance tracking, collaboration tools, documents retention, and version control.
Best Document Control Software (DSC) Provider
Recently, Intellect’s document control software was listed by as one of the best in the market. Worth noting that, it was chosen as one of the tops, out of more than 80 similar software. We are proud!
After checking customer’s reviews on Intellect’s document control software, and after reviewing the many advantages that this software offers to any business that acquires it; listed Intellect as one of the best document control software providers for the year 2021.
According to customer’s reviews on Capterra and G2, intellect’s document control software is highly rated by users on 5 variables that are: “Ease to use”, “Customer Service”, “Features”, “Value to Money”, and “Likelihood to Recommend”.
So, what does exactly make our document control software one of the tops? Let’s look at its 7 benefits that help businesses improving their performance.
Benefits of Intellect’s Document Control Software
1. Better Storage
By using Intellect’s Document Control Software, you can save all your files safely online in one place. You won’t need any longer for big storage space to file the huge piles of paper documents. Even if you got any printed document, you could simply scan it and save it in the DCS database.
2. Easy Documents’ Retrieval
You will not need to do any manual document filing and searching anymore. Instead, you can just search up the name of the needed document on the Document Control Software and you will find it easily and quickly. Therefore, you can retrieve any file with the click of a mouse.
3. Less Cost
You will save papers, ink, folders, printer maintenance, cartridge, and other costs by just acquiring Intellect’s DCS. You will also save the cost of buying storage cabinets. You will not have to print a lot of documents for reference purpose anymore and therefore you will not need a big storage space.
4. Enhanced Security and Permission
Manage who can have access to which document through Intellect’s Document Control Software. Users are often worried about exposing important documents of the company, you can specify those eligible to access such documents and be rest assured your information will be restricted within the set members. You can as well control who can edit any document.
5. Anytime- Anywhere Access
Intellect’s Document Control Software can be easily accessed. If you cannot reach you device for any reason, you can access the DMS through your mobile, tablet, and other internet enabled device. By just having your login info, you can login anytime and anywhere and keep the work going.
6. Automated Flow
By using Intellect’s DCS, you will automate the routine, delivery, escalation, revision control and approval of documents that are stored in a secure document repository.
7. Compliance
Intellect’s Document Control Software is designed to meet regulatory compliance, eliminate document redundancy, reduce the risk of manufacturing products with out of date SOPs, create efficiency in organizing documents from suppliers, and leverage workflow to increase efficiency.
Although we tried to highlight key benefits of DCS, there are still many more advantages that makes it crucial for businesses. Contact Intellect if you wish to know more about Intellect’s Document Control Software and other QMS.